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Catholic Rush of Excitement

 People think in Catholicism, that we include furnishings and embalmed consecrations/ambeaulations... from church hosts we fuse with extrements (sensitivites to methane sulfur air, a trauma in elementary school-- this corresponds to hot dogs, bologna, or cream of wheat. Hyssop, Wheat, and Rye). There are “Miracle Plants." Bile affects the skin, clearly this is deteremental. If you take the host we apply to our Limbic System;  Incantation, circumcision is Big for me understanding that my son and I grow at different rates. 

BRA outside Marshall’s you realized T-P was yoked with 3 of your family members.  Dream of heroics in the Mars atmosphere and you’ll know that Mercury is pure. Jayme finds her place with Putin (Her Surgeon Dad looks like Putin), placing glass orbs and horizontally exploring Uranus. I’m a sitter Sis ingenuiating on fictional moral codes. Spontaneous Electrons are from franklinscense.

EOF understands the Saw movie is complete through the retirement of George Johnson <RIP>. There’s a wrung in the bound place? Nah it’s beyond the stretchy way of the brain. But it has to be two boxes: polymer and a seed are better. Fiction and Nautillus Aloe lotion is a slow-burning adventure.

CC's understanding of Ecstasy of Mind needed a better drawing as Nathan capitalizes on his travel videos through Google|Youtube. We are in deep space with ideas of resignations for ascendent astronauts.

Safe Basket near the Shoebox Ideas. Mizuno atoms are particulqrltb Phanatic (more corresponding letters here)

The Vatican is establishing an air manifestation packaged. And a water cure for drowning spiders.

I’m glad I’m not worshipping today because the Pope should fund the surgery I need for other folkse’s misscarriage. As I have a single black hair from 3 traumas that are not my own.


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