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Showing posts from April, 2021

Dream #3405

 My Bible is the sword and the Lord has endless treasures to his right hand! So be it! Chad followed me all the way to the tricky rapids section, where we had to ask for backup help.   Again bringing my Bible... met 2 people that needed healing- did so! Seemed like everyone in this dream needed healing--- and I knew EXACTLY how to unveil their most beautiful spirit. Paul, carrying a book of lies (what he told me), was able to convert to the Living Word. My Aunt Joanne got a bit jealous with my ability, but we ammended our relationship by doing exactly what our independent versions said to EACH OF US! Can you imagine if; with our various gifts given to each and everyone, were used in a global reading. How happy God would be! Bella's staple is that jet black hair, and man can she kiss! Have everything in life--- pick up that Bible. They sung "Happy Birthday!"

Dream #301

 Nick, an acquintance from HS was there creating all kinds of havoc, He played dead in the living room of our house, and wouldn't leave: attracting all kinds of men and women. I was covering my mouth when Joanna walked up to me--- she noticed a large beauty mark. My Dad was going to use force to get him out of the house. I noticed a skate park out back so I checked it out-- lots of talent  and young people. The dream turned in to a nightmare since psychiatrists could tell I was dreaming. It flashed to an institution where people were held back from living-- turning in to sparrows/crows/black birds. Wakeful, Conscious state followed

The Fruits of the Spirit

 With Grace that Good deeds activate, we can further the human race. God has given us individual gifts that seperate and make one another authentic, Yet we can touch one another in using these, Abundance in the energy realm is quite fun and requires some timing on the Universal level, We can be mindful in working with these energies and engage our frontal lobe while at the same time being in our creative centers (Between the two ears) to achieve nearly everything. In turn having a supply of just about everything imaginable in the sense of objects. For example, if I wanted to give someone a life saver--- first I would use Imaginative faculties--- for a perfect memory of the object-- maybe even multiple it (thanks to Katie) and then give it out with a push of the mind or hand. Using Global Awareness this can be placed just about anywhere. Have fun with this and beckon energy with a healthy and happy lifestyle!

Dream #5678

 Bella--- I was looking for the real one and I knew I could count on you for a goof off first, before next-knowing that we could find the right spot to meet. You ARE the face of fashion--- but also so intelligent and wise.  So many years of taming snakes I guess... Are you Lucid now?

Dream #3337

 Yo Yoder, you were with me! But not before he slipped down the chimney! I feel like I know you more now, Alex--- you were in the natural stuff that was like moss; everywhere! And we glanced at the guy from "Back to the Future," whom was naked. Right after that-- I taught you placements and spots and how to transition from one place to the next. You were so ecstatic that we started flirting in a very informal way. But isn't that what flirting is?