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Happy Soul Ever Folk

 The lightest brilliance I could always remember.  My friend a happy Soul Ever Folk with her sight on smiling hearts and summertime.

Laughing until Joy produces tears, in any sticky situation.

How are we supposed to follow the sun when the plasma pours in to volcanoes on earth... the ends of the universe, innumerable in orbiting as each sun gazes back and beyond.

Could a mallady for a moment be a remedy on vinyl, emoting a more perfect plastic container for the technology we love.

The Christogenesis was on the holy lowly when horizontal got renovated. As I expand the heavens in this little town I remember Exodus.

The time it took to return Phillips cap.

The way Dave acquires I knowledge is in the perfect support of family as he acts as an edifice.

It's true I've made some perfect errors.

As I review The Quran I so strongly feel I will never wait again. When I do the Crab will be slap happy in the shallow water trimming tresses for the Aura of an able frog.

The chameleon lingered with poise as his nirvana kept tickling his belt.

The thumb tip is the magicians greatest opt as he fashions a new electronic principle.

How ever can I write when flow is a fun name in kind raptures the heady things in life with might.

I need to lament for 1 second and then I'll go easy on the next few moments.

The Dao teaches in a way I can lean on but if I return to the care of unwavering lifestyle chassied in a bad way, I will take my cross.

As 822 provisions of safety and annoyance become the controlling mess that they sought-after I may die.

But not before claiming a sister.


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