September and the 9th house had a greater significance for Aires and Leo with a lukewarm reception to the Jupiterial structure and debris of the moons there. We had Spessartine-Cirttua and the record breaking amount of new types of rock and mineral showing the sacral chakra that she could be nirvanic pink and violet, centered and a circuit for the entire temple. There are various forms of the worship that improved over the years all because of the Lord. appealing to women that are from Indian ascent and the cathedral cubits and aphahs are moving to the top left part of the earth as we offer more waves of bliss and servitude to the abundant strength and courage that we offer Our Gracious One. Zen improves as we Master and Improve checkpoints and our accuracy and anglicized will gets adjusted in order, that He Himself Applies & Fits with 1 command— Love One Another. The greatest of everything we are.
You Are ALL Ready God. But the Universe is Not One-- it has many gods. Ther is Of Course Still One True God. My Dad is ashamed so he is not in the dream except for when I was truthful of the people in Our Home. He didn't approve because He is the Land of Ham. A Flat-Earther Who Believes there is a Lowly Miserable PLACE For him in the afterlife... 😤 I got a charge from an Orca who said People were trying to Put Caitlin in to the Sea. But she does need to stay away from my dad, He HAS A WIFE. Aliens are Fake--- they are only a figment. We had a glimpse. People Can Fly--- I love that the Lord & I Can Protect The One True God and Mother of Creation. Chad & I also a Selection of People Pairing up in one scene. I Have Soo many Healthy People in my Line. There are 55,000 Birds! The Lord saved a car he knew he had some specific people in His Line! So Amazing the Consideration and Deep Compassion! Marje is the god and they are an African Family. They couldn't decide if they lo...
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