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Showing posts from January, 2022

Dream End Of Night #4,672

 Diseases are Usually FORCED Sins, or Unintentional Wrongs piled up... Always, Always Have Self-Control and Be Faithful. Let us Be Purely Intended-------- Manifesting Anything and Eveything According to Go'd Will! Let us Create Abundance Everywhere with Infinite Possibilities Each Time we're stepping with a Clear Conscience. Encourage One Another, and Love One Another---- Just As the Father Has Loved Us ( Oneismus ) ! Allow Your Love and Faithful , -Calm Be More Abiding thant the Peace of Your Neighbor , So You Can Take Them to The Heights.

Dream #5,473

 KatherinenAnnenWolak Said Amen to the End of a Dream JN. I picked up Everything in the Dream—- Cleaning While In Love and Ensing the Dream cleaning up sludge / slime from the Evik One in Egypt—/ He’s a Liar!!! Follow the One True God and Jesus. Aka Zanderbleck Is He. Fight White with More Light. And renew your heart every time you run in to 🎅🏻 God Above sis! Breckieee you took my wallet in my dream and now I hear you playing with my earrings… can you also see God’s Feet at the Throne—- you’re letting go Soul Chime—— Stay With my Family! God is One True and Precious Light! We have to inspire Him to Convert the evils of the world and we too must fight it with Greatnes! Remember Ultrra / Icee T-Shirt I’m 5’9” 179.1 and Katherine Ann Wolak ! for the Kidding American Mexicans that are caught working for the wrong person because if the Sanchez’zzz

Dream #3,786

 Therem were people in line, and I had nothing to Survive--- with Fire in My Left Hand. We looked, Ben Konruff and I and saw that there were a few people Lying to themselves. We knew Better so the Drream Ended. Hebrew & Greek Heaven Hebrew & Greek Numerics

Zondervan #5 Journal 📔 📓

 Joanna I saw you a few times in my dreams lastnight…. I helped people to ascend NorthEast In China 🇨🇳 and I worked on a shipyard seeing many! Feel Love from you! MY night! Blessings and Brecken scooped up the money but I handed out $200,000USD to the poor Caucasian in Asia Major. I accidentally didn’t realize that my Dad saw the hands and arms of the 🐪 🐫 I saw them go through the pinhole of a needle!!!! And remember we climbed the Stairs—- I tried to Sing Correctly🎤 🎶 🎵 🎶  ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫  and went right at the Northern Hemisjphere! I’m thinking I need my eyes to Squirt too! I should’ve given him enough for 9 nights. Wasn’t Lucid-/// It was a Deep Sleep! 😴 💤 but might stay up for the day…. One Divine Birth

Divine Dream #8,754

Last I saw in my controlled dream! Was Caitlin Prepaeing something standing!!! I put the fish in charge of the universe and photons at the end of ghrDream, Sizxth Brecken ! Day see ram in Lucid States!!! Chits!!! Brecken and the Dude that likes kids Frank Celliendoooo!!! Markos Cannistra happy joyful guy on boats with Kourtney Kardashian and Planting Trees…. I had a 5 horizontal and vertical shelf with treeeeeeeesssss everywhere!!!!!! Nothing dual Markos! #Heaven4All #Liv4LifeJJJJJJ

The Body Erosion Agrippa Kabbalah and Becoming 🌎

Consciously and Carefully Subjection to All Things of Edonai. Father’s Business. TNH HBR Super Haas Avocado 🥑 from a 24 Eease Synthesis of One Man. Thick—- The W I. D.  T.   H.     B.      R.       E.       A.        D.         T.          H.            & H.              E                I.           G.                H.                 T.  🍯 Thee Plant 🪴 🌱 [Tree of Life]   54,000 

Dream #7,435

Home is a Sanctuary. For the independent family type. The Style of Life is Effortless Grace and Total Freedom. To raise and share crop and animal. The first fruits to be shared with the Lord of Lords. Vanilla, Mill, and Milk 🥛 Cream and Honey 🍯  It is a place for the dweller; to learn, to strive. For the practitioner, to pray to meditate and thrive. It is a place where dreams can come true and fantasies a reality. It is a relationship with heaven.

Dream #6,756

 An Oval Passover, Again Jesus Or Zander IS Out in CO Playing Drawn out in a landscape feeling. With Rectangular Star Stripes and Infinite Love In God's Humbling Wordzzz zzzz 1/25/2022: JCN Is in the dream with Andrew Samberg Again, He is Busy While Her and I play in the Light of Night and God Remarks: Joanna Is Not a Ghost. Neither Is AS... No One Is Anymore------- As the Universe and Heaven'zzz Continue to Get Brighter! We Embrace One another As I Go for Her With Reluctance from Her Sol, The Moon---- Her Knowledge Is Equipped To Give me WIsdom as I Heal Her In Mind, Body, and Spirit! The Great Spirit Of Abba Guides Us Through the Embrace and the Dream Ends? Are You in Kohler-------- 'Sweetie, I'm Out West' Who’s going home with them? The Kardashians again—- a wholesome TEAM. A beautiful, young brood…. We wait and stay all at the same time. Kris Jenner is asleep too 🐑 🐑 🐑  Interlude… Kim is in the dream now, and she does something sexual but I exit the dream to ...

Dream #9,876

 Going along in the faire circus gaming rounds. Alyssa Foote quotes me from HS for the beginning of the driving game. I see my cousins cousins in their suits talking about the space between their thighs. Men in a driving game roar passed, twice with some kind of style. I get a yuck reactionary… If you try to lodge one more of your cells in my corpus collosum in the top left near my barrier I Will send you to prison! You already “removed,” hundreds of thousands of my hair cells from my brain and you made more work for God!  Stay Easy!

Almighty’s Privelage

For an equivalent… You were inspired by vomit in hair as you stare at the Nair crayon. Mrs. Sketch if you ask “Carly,” but it was Emmy Wustner Mom that had a clog that day. I knew them before Bootes… Karma is never a ceiling; Always appealing. Is there such thing as frost on moss? Remember Water 💦 is Sovereign, very, very, Very Vital!

The Time As Gabriella

Do you visit to release, First one must see-touch-speak The sword is the Word-- have you yours handy. What more could a Conception angel be but an infinite livelihood with God Himself. Sent for a couple tasks--- both referring to a guardian's glory, Are you mine? You are God’s Authority! Directly in charge for the time…. of fine golden feathers--- Very Large in rank! 3 years ago… I see you on my top LeftShoulder—- and that's for Our sake! I UNDERSTAND GREAT ERUDITION is BUILT IN MY SOUL In case I live--- somewhere even the soul knows how to arrive! In the Most High & The Holy Place! With too many cells to count--- usually 7,778,454,532,274,431.70 with cell multiplicity! Meiosis. My baby is somewhere on this Earth?! Or is it just my ⛲️ in full pour! Is it something like bwazan-- sounding off this time to begin a new journey Is it something We did Gabriel! God Loves You!

New Year’s Dreamin

 God in my dreams again! About appetite! Searching near and high, far and wide for JCN…. Are you my wife or not? I don’t want you skalking around, sick after you eat. I welcomed BH in first, she had to go straight to the potty… Now I see they’re trying to guess my newly intended objects for today. You tell me! From my organized storehouses to Yours. Get a f’n life JM (or dMP)