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Showing posts from July, 2019

Aristotle talks to Socrates

Thanks to you my Lord. You are high above the highest plane No one can resonate with you, but the Father you are! Forever you reign! Yes?? It is like a glass but more like frozen light unto your lens of omniscience! Yes?? Anything you want I will keep. Many suns move through me. I promise. And I willl keep giving! It will be the LAST THING I DO! Unto you.

Government Scheme in a Dream (Dream #206)

Lapham, get away from me (and all of your friends) Brecken, Robert, Jenny, Nina, & Jenny--- you are always welcome to our home. It's the people you surround yourself with I was told! Water Cleaner-distractor and yucky Dad things and yucky Mom things and this is how the show goes Pick up--- Move the house! I NEED A BRICK FOUNDATION! SO MANY SIGHS SO many heights Can you believe what the government does while we sleep?!!! They have a lot of people to take care of I know--- ESP. Their Kin....

A Speedster of Spellbound Anomalies

A doctor an emt A doctor for the wellbeing of the stomach and an emt for the catastrophic The dreams at the home. Where in rome, I had to save lives. and I did it in speed--- with the Lord above! He aided me in every situation whether it was better for me or for the father In wisdom he succeeds with every light and feathers a note in his praises I wonder how I could've spent more time with the mothers Could it have been sheer population or the effort to arise at every occasion On this earth there are constant vibrations repeating in the cobalt souls The mercury waters the Anaebolic and Nano But there is always something to do.... He knows How and as a teacher I look to give that in every effort I am graced to call my own.