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The Perfection of Women (to be a continuance used in savvy points)

  • The complete Harmony and Outward to Inward-- to Inward Outward resplendent light
  • The complete and total positive feeling, that allows Godspeed and Vibae.
  • The hope of Outward evolution (more than flight itself)
  • Light Body charge as transmussions of light to earthen and universal directions. Trees, Planets, Suns, and Heav'n above.
  • Kindness resounding in every life, centered, above and directly to God, the Future and present. Gifts from God are limitless.
  • The omniscent of Love, Fun, Wonder, and Absolute Bliss!
  • Working morally and ethically; advancing high--- spirited to action
  • The undoubted presence of purity and innocence with forms that are authentic and becoming. Completing an order (in specific)
  • The hope of utmost quality; being rewarded as man, for work.  And the resenant talent (Biblical thousands) that can reach to even more rewardings.
  • The ability to seek pure love. When known, not to be sentient alone. But sententious and expressive in ways that make happy and light.
  • Sempiternal as good if known and willing, but aksi finding more Truth in the stars ie: nuances to permit growth and positive change. This eternal to that, Earth to Heaven. Both being a heavenly place. Partially a showing to God and honoring one's life to a furthest extent/direction/quality/talis.
  • Amour and propre in the right areas. If not, ALL! So that one can remain fruitful, and having Genesis either willed or on command. To put simply, to enjoy, to develop and refine, to fly, to feel invincible, to be kindness. Also to Honor the light with certain creationist ideals to which it moves and has light and life.
  • To be busy by preference and choosing to seek further.
  • Fetish, charm, amulet- be ---these qualities will set you free!
  • To fix, repair, and renew with a tag--- what is in high places. God loves and is very pleasing to Him. Barring and ig- and providing an am!


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