Love is in place, for all that we respond, we attune ourselves together in harmony, with God.
The earth hums and frequently moves to the Lydia signage due north to heavenly mood.
Asunder in change we relocate our awareness, to strong powerful eyes that can love even the helpless.
For the Lord reigns from ascension, and we too strive for this..
Love our Sun* Love light and God is kindness.
1 can change a world like Ghandi or Buddha! And we look to these peacemakers and chieftons for Guidance.
Hopeful one, splendid day, we smile and make the clouds go a way. In to the spirit world we hover above. Loving eachother and filled with encouragement from above.
Ideas and opinions strive to simplify, the moral code, the love life-- to making known the proof we sow.
Delineate your endeavors and spoil none but find in Grace, the laws that govern the universe have a definitive heavenly place.
We only need study composition and feel with our whole selves, and we delve in to the sky's light and directly above we are felt.
It is He* who is powerful in the gentle kind apt way, we encourage our discoveries with very good messages that needn't go astray.
As we place the nipple and navel to the honey and the nectar, we love one another with touch and healing from any place that is uncorrupted.
This place that we DO, we know in truth-- finding clarity in our rising above and proving living troupe.
Hopeful we display our best where there are the most attention, God responds in the life in the love and the Mold.
This mold of clay or divinity, in creation-- we arch to the heavens and place an arch innocently,
Accented so phosphorescently. We glide through the heavens through word again, action and deed, we pray to the Lord and limitless talents in Godspeed.
We rest in the presence of the Almighty, we bathe through the Water and the Sun is like Magic-- this artistic expression of God is the healing glow of LOVE. Our families are for support to attempt a going far and finding them there. Sometimes we have to leave and when the time is prepared. He gives us gifts and we may find in them in one another-- even in the woods or through meditative mind.
The earth hums and frequently moves to the Lydia signage due north to heavenly mood.
Asunder in change we relocate our awareness, to strong powerful eyes that can love even the helpless.
For the Lord reigns from ascension, and we too strive for this..
Love our Sun* Love light and God is kindness.
1 can change a world like Ghandi or Buddha! And we look to these peacemakers and chieftons for Guidance.
Hopeful one, splendid day, we smile and make the clouds go a way. In to the spirit world we hover above. Loving eachother and filled with encouragement from above.
Ideas and opinions strive to simplify, the moral code, the love life-- to making known the proof we sow.
Delineate your endeavors and spoil none but find in Grace, the laws that govern the universe have a definitive heavenly place.
We only need study composition and feel with our whole selves, and we delve in to the sky's light and directly above we are felt.
It is He* who is powerful in the gentle kind apt way, we encourage our discoveries with very good messages that needn't go astray.
As we place the nipple and navel to the honey and the nectar, we love one another with touch and healing from any place that is uncorrupted.
This place that we DO, we know in truth-- finding clarity in our rising above and proving living troupe.
Hopeful we display our best where there are the most attention, God responds in the life in the love and the Mold.
This mold of clay or divinity, in creation-- we arch to the heavens and place an arch innocently,
Accented so phosphorescently. We glide through the heavens through word again, action and deed, we pray to the Lord and limitless talents in Godspeed.
We rest in the presence of the Almighty, we bathe through the Water and the Sun is like Magic-- this artistic expression of God is the healing glow of LOVE. Our families are for support to attempt a going far and finding them there. Sometimes we have to leave and when the time is prepared. He gives us gifts and we may find in them in one another-- even in the woods or through meditative mind.
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