Nominal Numbers
Nomenclature in Russian
Vultures for Beauty
Genus of Jesus
Gender Coniptive
Bending Time Biblically
Have you thought of all of these?
In your Dome, by Homotidus
Canary Oranges
Agave Pineapples
Coconut Powder
Dandelions with a pot surounded by tiny Cosmic Beans.
Chumbawumba Remade, the band enjoying Pineapples
Frisbee Golfing with Pineapples in Agave Plants in your backpack.
Invent a new potting Backpack. Blow on the Daisy.
Noses for New Stores (think Angelic Gifts in pure form, not just powder)
Midgets in Caves (You have their full permission)
Swarm Humour, Swan Humour, Swamp Huger
An offering of an Orange.
Sheep in Sleep-- GOATS in Shark Shoes
Sheep in Alligator Slippers
Nomenclature in Russian
Vultures for Beauty
Genus of Jesus
Gender Coniptive
Bending Time Biblically
Have you thought of all of these?
In your Dome, by Homotidus
Canary Oranges
Agave Pineapples
Coconut Powder
Dandelions with a pot surounded by tiny Cosmic Beans.
Chumbawumba Remade, the band enjoying Pineapples
Frisbee Golfing with Pineapples in Agave Plants in your backpack.
Invent a new potting Backpack. Blow on the Daisy.
Noses for New Stores (think Angelic Gifts in pure form, not just powder)
Midgets in Caves (You have their full permission)
Swarm Humour, Swan Humour, Swamp Huger
An offering of an Orange.
Sheep in Sleep-- GOATS in Shark Shoes
Sheep in Alligator Slippers
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