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No Black Hole

Relational partnerships are quite difficult...

Being in tune with a proffering of equality; specifically if two might be more "homgenous" in genetic sequencing- we so tend to err in decisive hand-in-hand discovery and exploration.

The beauty of it. Becoming so raw and stripping away untruths L, R, up & down-- why wouldn't we go ahead and make trial...

Over a concept of infancy, we have perhaps two motives: to realize, more in universal scope WHO I AM. Or, the easier- WHO ARE WE?

Eventual lead: "Can we meet later?"
'Promise.' As though bound by the weakest link and upholding the continuation of strength on physical force o'er expansion. On any level- where we put our intention and intuition becomes the ultimate drive and motive.


These two, at times, confounding understandings; from an infinite plethora of growth, development, and often of all too trustworthy in disclosure. Synchronizing, what has happened since arrival. We, becomes then- the immanent possibility and potentiality. As an idea, already an invention- maybe we look in a book and find as we were looking-- right then, in serendipitous retrieval of ultimate faith and hope.

Here, garnished with an ambiance of distinguished polarity, we begin to enumerate our options, and a warming degree of aptitude- taps us in to the scenic scape - holding on forever, trees dancing, and animals more trapped, then certain they'd go for a run at the next sun.

Permitting only, the fusion of each in perfect matrimony. Swell, and the perfect recipe for a harmonious procession of ring and grain... or is it salt and a knot?? Peptide and Ion tricks?

Grasping the space as if zipping away faster than the light we held initially. Have you ever seen stardust? Truly felt the inertia of her past begin to welcome itself in body. Would it be an advance and invited to conceptualize the spirit world of 7 orders and 5 degrees of separation.

Porcupine Himalayan, wondering- wandering- gradually, an allowance of our history.

Only for a pique of understood. Here we become, lighter in our leavened bones.

The foot hold just a grippy branch beyond the most intricate shelf of Amazonian play. Easy, perhaps a bit of digression. Might the trees even battle for their spirits to be understood?

Taking with, those who have omitted their presumably sneering disillusionment.

Either way, in making a distinguished approach to our relating to one another-- we might elucidate some more visceral idea of what works-- and what simply exists as fallacy in creation.

From the onset, we make certain choices early on, and a relationship thrives on these immediate notions. Comtemplating, a certain, more specific need or desire. So do we rouse the attention of our old ego, or continue on the hailed path of new discovery?

Whether it is what we need or what we desire- each retain a significance that holds an ultimate reality inset.  Of what we know, and among others, fluidly rising to challenge us among the concept of socialization. Confidence, then the forerunner of our learnt truisms.

It may be crude to put such pathologically inclined terms, but rhetoric tends to rid itself easily of this notion.
Being in 2012, and not solely of mind and external precedence.

What we say in full truth plays a perpetual game, ridden of the initial recourse we have imagined to know so well. Imagining, being the poignant fruition of our now moment-to-moment choices.  The more we can fully display our intention, rid again it's sense of higher gain, and pleasantries preceding only the clarity in our silent transitions, of conversation; through exchange-- then we might take in the capable stillness, that rewards our uninhibited self.


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