This post is more of a self evident knowledge I've recently required, wherein my bliss-state and peace comes from within myself- and of all humanity.
As Teilhard postulates, 'When the world was born, I came into being. Before the centuries were made, I issued from the hand of God- half-formed, yet destined to grow in beauty from age to age, the handmaid of his work. Everything in the universe is made by union and generation- by the coming together of elements that seek out another, melt and mold together two by two, and are born agin in a third. God instilled me into the initial multi-force of condensation and concentration. In me is seen that side of beings by which they are joined as one, in me the fragrance that makes them hasten together and leads them freely and passionately, along their road of unity. Through me, all things have their movement and are made to work as one.'
- "The Unbearable Wholeness of Being." Ilia Delio. 2013
As Teilhard postulates, 'When the world was born, I came into being. Before the centuries were made, I issued from the hand of God- half-formed, yet destined to grow in beauty from age to age, the handmaid of his work. Everything in the universe is made by union and generation- by the coming together of elements that seek out another, melt and mold together two by two, and are born agin in a third. God instilled me into the initial multi-force of condensation and concentration. In me is seen that side of beings by which they are joined as one, in me the fragrance that makes them hasten together and leads them freely and passionately, along their road of unity. Through me, all things have their movement and are made to work as one.'
- "The Unbearable Wholeness of Being." Ilia Delio. 2013
This alone is so gorgeous and withstanding to my own observation. As if we are a infernal manifestation of our desire to create. Guided in by the existing Earth and universal surroundings, and placed ever so poignantly in our conscience- the ability to make whole and useful once again. Simply formed and rudimentary to our senses- we can now grant, progressively and throughout practice.
Recently , I've found concerns regarding the environment's internal workings. At the very least and understood, a constituent of neglect and constant burgeoning of man. She simply can't keep up. If we were to simply intend all that we do- as good reciprocal, trusting our inner auto-pilot- we might not see the amplitude that we've survived.
Our conscious has moved to such an immense adaptive and evolutionary protocol that our personal spaces become then, the insufferable discrepancy that would congratulate only at once, our histories. Leading us to an arrival of forgetfulness and a maladaptive trait (sic) which permeates our forgivable mnemonics.
Jumbled it may be- but I bring you to the ability of hyperphysics. If we needed more, we would just pull from this concept of more being and consciousness with an emphasis on love's support of the future. We already hear her and see her calling from all around- love sends help from within, and of void emptiness- which, then aren't we gifted to fill?
In other words, for all the junk and chemicals we've bast ourselves- we can just make a conversion. As an anti- and pro- chemical, evolutionary link. Byproduct and multi- processed suits just fine, as it becomes more elementary.
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