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Showing posts from December, 2024

Poliet Lite Cornering 8 Voids

If you know you can be pliable and open the viscosity increases in Ether Einstenium was a brief explosion to the granite4 as the way in which the left hand quickly lifts and gently approaches a new quadrant unfolding the mechanism from the afront. I saw the suger kiss the beckoning cherry's cell wall. Only the Jason from the Apocalypse of Vancouver could abate his concern in rogue. A giant name hubbardboscosoniumfridge-id-comeh would Be polite to the non-moustached dip in the bikini plunge. Winter is always alive in Ninevah.  Adoptions are sacred in China because the hand was outraced from the left and the right hand knew what it was doing.  As long as I finish the book As long as I remember As long as the Piano Walks The tree of Edom was either named for the union of aura and thought or beyond the reach of a Tar Splotch      Hoping to continue Andrew Bird's legacy for only $.90 The home I bought the brother's spoils is left on my Mac.

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement (Dream #4528)

 In and out of the institute  In and out with fame Spending on the things that matter A valley in the shadows A transverse group of males A couple I have largely known Em confirms that she is right minded There are tornadoes with people hovering in the funnel… An institution and a place; I want to open doors 

Thrift Mon, Be Wise (Dream #4281)

 We have plenty of time. Time is unlimited. Frugality goes a long way. Money flying everywhere. TH won’t settle. Brecken and I buy clothing, outfits, and deeds for homes. It’s a cameo… One giant move—- don’t waste it anywhere. Cheap clothes stretch the dollar. BRA innocent doll eyes. CH and JC move up. Again entering a fearless rest. We’re meeting with RS ‘s confidence and sense of humour. 

Arizona Mansion Dream #4058

 Cody and the Jesuits… Hardworking and a knack for detail… especially in exploration. KAWB was there and there were many excitable moments. Many just aren’t up to par with their motives and liberties. I commend an Afrikaans lady for her staying power. We look crossed a barren landscape. CS can indeed handle 3 women.

A Stage Exit (Dream #4538)

 Norah Jones quickly goes beyond her typical presence with an atypical greeting to my seemingly unacquainted family. It must be something Taylor Swift is doing—- as I glance through the backstage hallway before her first two song performance.

Trading Cards Dream #4833

 We are near the ocean, I have a dispute with a friend and can’t seem to find my sports trading cards. Until a major collector appears. He holds up MJ’s most expensive card  And my collection suddenly comes in the form of stacks— all in good shape. He wants to sell his for $406,000. The dream ends.