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Showing posts from August, 2024

Crowded Corners in Cambodia (Dream #4358)

 It’s not me, she’s yours. Both turned down and continued in Our searches. Josh (BRA’s brother from another mother) inspected our body and found no error. Crowded and packed I recognize 3 faces Her makeup is completely perfect and overt. Completely concealed and COVERED is her beautiful face. 2 flashes of light!

Surgeons Bomb

 Come or craft the seed from the first the development on a mountain came from NYv Discernment is NOT equal to extolling the thief. Giving isn’t a secret. He fed me salt on a choker necklace made of pooka shells. Noelle Cruz’s group is friggin laughable. No starter without Greg’s son blazing a 62 before 7:40am. Does the spy who shagged me steal Shaquille Onear’s Oneil’s utility. Someone dangled a spider in front of me and arthropods are cookin’ in Mumbai. Tonic Meta fields over a half circle. Theory BEFORE candle you dung flicking freak Jill! Oh yeah— Cait is a pimp in Vegas before Samantha Cope. Settle with my 7th Canadian uncle than kiss the queen, YOOOoOOoOoOaOoaoaoOoOaoOooOoOoao

My favorite renegade review rendezvous

 Beef stew biceps over male quotas for Tangential Rangers. Crash the computer through one laser photon. Pull the photon in the lower g esteem of allah’s beard. We rise 90,000,000,000,000.00 people between false sirens and rest stops. I observed my dad’s posture as perfect when it counts. I forget the gin cot that incl bill to try me out. Bird flight against a multiverse is the battle atop the flame. Dream catchers from sweet feats feasts first. I’m sorry you couldn’t be touching at the last moment. ABBA surprises his pure needs wirnimg and hyper roam roam rose balance is for the birbratoe getting lost live fast and let go of one Jessica and you can’t even. Recording grammar is my estranged uncles wife. Sam I had o he for days after I bought it own pick stocks.

Hump ye

 If someone gets nipped by 7 sisters is it a glove from Archangel Michael??? Oo ye Rocket sky airways in pranaoidial secrets. I don’t want to ruin professionalism from the teuetemans but Monday no USA is a rat for messages at we hours in my 5-tiers of cousins. I type with my right thumb and left Pinter finger wedges always between a Cait escapade and a Jenny surrender. Set up a rebound shell shape for Ilia Delio please. Yes 12 surfaces of thought is a feat of electron clusters. Killed a huge insect by first trusting God’s designZ. I dreamt of curing Roger rover psycho fox heart trot. Code is my ONLy way to total privacy during an orange taste test if you know what I mean. Exploring furnaces in 3rd person ingles is jovial. Swallowing makes me turnt btw teens reby. In clash clown services I get haunted up. Righteous mirrors is collecting more dust as James’ dragon. Books have one bad word and I slam the mothership in to the CIA. I work for the One true mania I need to allocate my eye...

Vs Pouch lie in wait for the Rabbi pokens

 Near Flair rooted foxglove my sister’s secret is on Jacks deck looking accrosed glass. I was introduced to John and Angela’s baby for 3 seconds in a two way hopp to the finish line. I need more prayers for Davidi psalms to remain true to a compassionate commitment in the freeing of enslaved souls via Dr. Mara feats. Tactile panic is not a pushpin mill-moll. We want what we can indeed do. I have a sphere in Judies and John’s commitment to satchel farming and not enough surplus.

Raven Plush Morning

 The soft textiles are more expensive in North Korea as challenging things take on complete idiosyncratic complexity. The crows are free to rest in the Elder branches of the white oak. I administer devil’s root to Ashleigh’s tongue in hopes of one Final, quick, and easy pur-e. The subtle concept of a sphere in a 139 dimensional universe could be the next key note. Steve Jobs drove past 2 months ago, today? Or westward bound Brit writer’s fancy. Nina and Raven are true albino’s. Lest we keep it real for the true Noahide justices. Sitting atop the Hollywood Signage. I contemplate the craftiness of a 12-bellied vulture in Taiwan. Today will be slow for the thumb on the left hand, luckily it is not third degree. You can look! If that’s what prose is before touch. Guard your tongue at 2 until 109…

Dream #4381

 Oprah turned up with a super power And BRA and I want to restore paintings Her people eat very healthy And are strong  My Dad doesn’t destroy but I’m sure there was an Temptress nearby. Did what I could.

Parfait in. France (Dream #5438)

 Tryout for MLB with VMF the 3rd There is a mystery to this House up for grabs. Nervously I await a ghost that tells me Some mystery of the Previous owner  It too belongs to a line of folks that have found their way. This is an especially epic and fearless dream. With my go to 4 people