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Showing posts from April, 2024

W. W. None

Gates upon gates of various checkpoints for Countries safety. A 2 hour dream….  It was a winding chamber for personnel and various countries represented. Tibet water-share and ceremony, TH instead of Brian A peregrine falcon said to be quiet, Brecken celebrated her freedom. She was playing golf.

1:10 Yen (Dream #5637)

Smell more Butchers Organic Chemistry with the Kether? Breck hangs back. Clear watch on Andy and his homeostasis. ‘Met the most perfect soul ever’ Asian buffet is nothing dealt. Up to 12 fingers with hologram congruence. Running around finding things to do. Ashleigh is my roommate. I fling tiny plastic marbles for juju. Wedding plans. Elegant and godly resume to be sure. CRP is on an overt hunt for loves best.

Nidra News

 At a glance qi is ever so assertive in representing the physical. The Asian through ancient awareness of being A trait carried through every generation All equity and quota a derivative of a few heirs... Give your information and it will remain a kind deed until the departure to agencies of the almighty. You want to remain an invisible cloud and cloak. A meer stage in the Chinese Canon, allied to the USA; permanent? As long as the elected see the good in handcraft... AI about to make our Mylen numb... Shroud the Shepherd's heard for the remainder as the lost too, will be found-up and automatic.

Son & Daughter of God dream #5558

 There is a goddess speaking virtues to me, We are God’s beloved—- unseparated and Holy. The purest joys of beauty. No longer an envy as we all come in to being. My family guards a gate and we are to see what is beyond there. How many of his beloved are ranked and predestined. Full of joy and the broken-hearted are healed.

Waffle Stomp Woes (Dream #3826)

 There are certain exchanges in dreams. Some favorable, and others unaccepting. Phoebe ran to shew me a gift. I couldn't... I would rather be an offering soul  Free the father's love in your heart. And return to the monotheistic traditions. A stallion may be acquainted to with pegasus... But we cannot make them either colour. We cannot add to our lives on an inauthentic doing....

Dreaming away the universe #4253

I'll br outside jumping over the hedges, Away from the columns of marble before me. My Dad serves a function I am quite unaware of... Could it be true that you are a safety in my life Or are you too busy assesing your relationships? Surely there is a trustworthy person. J appears and again it is difficult to get close...

Competition in Family Ties (Dream #4382)

A big rectangle 5-D room and my Dad and I keeping one another secure. Is he a bodyguard or just a biological father with a plan. The scene last about 10 minutes.  We stood up We standed We sat There were chairs. Looking for Erin at Sentry Grocery and there she is. Listening as acutely as a floppy eared pup.