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Showing posts from January, 2024

Taking Jung to Work

 The mote is open to refresh the sunrises bearing the name "Catherine" Jumping over brick walls when Jesus walked by with a suitcase. Golgotha flashback for eve and on the steps. With a wild look, just patiently waiting for father 1 child.  I thought of Carl's relative, Jenny... And he stopped at Shakespeare.

Dream #2798

 There is a home where the buffalo rome, Where oaaks are the opening and Vileria.  Is the skin. She is my great sister of the same spirit. While sharing sufferings. Trying to communicate a need to the father. While resting, steady. Srilanka is where TNH might be, As the recorded a pregnancy. I'm sure of tics, While caitlin was there. She offered me an elixir. Nancy tried to understand. Katherine Ann Wolaks gifts are mostly w derivative of coffee. Let me be a complete sentence. Cohesion is the composition for an A- Being a strong suit in entomology. Jillian whips me to find out 🌿🍃 Quranic blessings while the wife is around. Let live! #Ezekiek

Happiness (Furtively)

 Experience the eternal bliss of a guarded mind. A slight tremble at joy (and performance) As I concentrate it is the Lord's Ready... Approaching with confidence. Yearning with perfect confidence of knowledge. Perfect knowledge  I pat myself on the back 50 times as I ease in to a Biblical Pace. Remembering 10,000 for you is merely 10 days.

Running on Iron dream #2351

 Again Caitlin's vanity propels me I run with a man in my arms A fuscian spirit of unconditional love. I simply appear with my own yoke. Seven places for abdominal workouts. Is she cool or jealous Clean and her opposite. Words are met by silence within wisdom's integrity