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Showing posts from October, 2023

Bart and the Unhappy 2 Poem

  Chili's nightmare happened between 2 women.  Hysteria and sickness Their influence permeated the sidewalk and looked like cess-dross and sickness.  The Shambhala Sun and Bodhisattva were particularly important as I tried to knock on their door to quit the spectrum of projectile vomiting; their strange idea. As these two women were locked in the home, the tree in their front yard was practically damaged skin. He luckily broke up the problem with better abatement, minus the encroaching heap of moss that was spider-ridden, later by my auntie.  The rain---- a cleansing element of rudiment was finally appearing after they had Sat normally on the same couch. This Lapham phobe is only very particular with the spies he hires for their company.  Whence there are enough particles of zazen-poised Compassionioueires there is skill.

Moesais, Mo Says, Mosaic--- Moses! Moses!

Moses Maimonides A great theologian of our 12th & 13th Century. BONA FIDE (LOTUS) Laughter--- a daily dose as the regimen of evocative alchemy; in a futuristic way. 'The Great Eagle' At the Sapient Mantle--- we find another dream vision--- using our third eye we are Thrust in to normal vision Deriving itself of perfect interplay--- she says, this is where I walk and drown--- and this is where I stay

Plane in my Head, Cars on my Hind

Bog is a big dude like my Dad.  Mooji invited him to an interview and Bog had a hard time expressing his knowledge or ability to escape the wrath of the Phoebe. I was sitting on a couch in the city and there were no big planes or continental in the area. I think it was another attempt at a hijak.    The first was Dalai and I thinking about the perpetual plane that was driving Midwest Airlines Crazy (They should come back--- they gave out free crumbl-like cookies)


Chili's nightmare happened between only 7 women. The Shambahla Sun and Bodhisattva was particularily important as I tried to knock on their door to quit the spectrum of water encouragement from the couch. As these two women were locked in the home and the tree in their front yard was practically cessed-bound-big-bubble- unpopped in his eyes. He luckily broke up the conundrum, minus the encroaching heap of moss that was finally appearing after they had Sat normally. This Lapham phobe is only very particular with the spies he hires for their company.  Whence there are enough particles of zazen-poised Compassionioueires there is skill. I keep wondering if Benjamin forgave me for an accident that was finally cured. Instruments of peace are always ready in China (after years of 8th ammendment breach). This one moment the lady on Thunder

GOOK for Paltry Conditions

 HI what's up? I'm an unruly presciption and riddle in one. I'm taken like gas up a chimney and instead of a sherpa there is a chimney sweep. You need to take me if someone tried to suck the eyes out of the socket... Have you seeen CC play with hers in the shower?

Dream #5479

 Back and Forth with Brecken, Hey YOU. ARE.  Milking.   It. Dennis. RIP for Jessica's sneakers. That indecision is an ace in Pre-Calc. Remember the idea that I had on Junior Achievement 19 years ago. Give them out freely like crocs in African Villages. There are 2 more scenes of his where a glance captured everything. I remember Nathan's friend AVA.  Do you recall a sloppy swedish masseuse from Jamoroquia? I got compensated from QUEENS and turning Right near Virgo.