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Showing posts from September, 2023


The thorn, the round wreath, The fire ignited in wrath  The coin from the railroad tracing across town, A tableture of motifs that stay consistent, The theme of sweet in everything, Another sonship because a brother now wed a man. Forgetting sin to the 430th generation. Earning keep with micro-planning and a round-a-bout victory for  The Earth Angel. The beloved Joanna in her consistencies so thoroughly equipped, How can a giraffe march in to the after, Days ahead are monkies planting shrubs. A seed in Abraham is the same namesake for many. Let's polish up on humour once more. Is this acceptable offer? The love-bearing super-sensuous vision. 

Chabad and the Network (Dream #5380)

 In the South-North part of Calfornia we are building a new golf course. I was networking with my friend and we constructed one of the most brilliant golf courses in al of history. There are so many neat undulations and idiosyncracies that corresponding to the Earth's magnetic field and tectonic areas. The place was huge where we began the dream and I SERIOUSLY need Sigmund Freud's No-how for "Dream Psychology," but I gave it to a friend. A friend whom I tried poppp seed tea with. The course I played with 3 other relatives and played okay but was not as flexible as my friend the yogi RY X aka Chad.  My motor-cart and the people of Utah were gracious to have us. 

"Rough" Dr.Pepper

X-games worthy state. Longest dream of my entire life. This continuation of meeting my nurse practitioner in the dream is quite well... So here there is some conflict since I know the person here, Jillian (at the end of the dream) has some competitive side and is a direct influence to my freedom.

Dream with Breezy #3824

 Money, money, money in corner pockets  Rollerblading superstar with skills on grind poles and undulating cement Following me at your own pace now "B" A backpack filled with goodies Taken away by squanderers Then appearing in a hand outside the dream. Fountains of slush frosted ice and flavour (2) How many men are there looking for money?

Happiness as a Brahmanic Albatross

 In short, self-control is absence of sense experience, giving rise to mental equilibrium, light, consciousness and joy "Brahmacharya" When the soul in its form is in a place of security, from what I've learned this is a reward for control... The place that is kept is accordance with intention.

Dream #3573

 Ian adieu, Geoffrey you too... How come those closies are my favorite holiday  It must be the rollerblades and the eternal sore Or sour of the moment we hit the slushes. Time for some snow just in CO Starting to believe Carl Jung was upto something. Takeoff aircraft. Did you clutch the Quad.

Lucas Pocus

 A homeless Vladimir A opportunity in blissful mind, A rolly Polly car sending loose change to the ground, A 100 person flock of monk Afrikaans and water. He WILL send it, you will be relieved!