The thorn, the round wreath, The fire ignited in wrath The coin from the railroad tracing across town, A tableture of motifs that stay consistent, The theme of sweet in everything, Another sonship because a brother now wed a man. Forgetting sin to the 430th generation. Earning keep with micro-planning and a round-a-bout victory for The Earth Angel. The beloved Joanna in her consistencies so thoroughly equipped, How can a giraffe march in to the after, Days ahead are monkies planting shrubs. A seed in Abraham is the same namesake for many. Let's polish up on humour once more. Is this acceptable offer? The love-bearing super-sensuous vision.
A place for anyone, but a concept meant for everyone. Offering hope in my journey's light, and sending you inspiration. Find peace in my creative writings and may God bless you and keep you.