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Showing posts from March, 2022

Dream #4833

 Coin Garden  I find many coins Scattered about While saving them to purchase more basketball cards. I find my cousin near a steep hill snowboarding. The dream ends as I’m shooting particle board in a run down home. The police are having a negative influence.

Dream #4,577

Turn down the offer of wine. From Bella--- in a flurry. Mom turned up, guiding. We love them so I hope we can be settled with the free things-- your intention just might. Release and let be.

Permanent Youth Dream

 When a new generation has homosexuality. The aging quits... The love is truthful insofar as realizing self and finding true love. It remains youthful when in a homosexual generation this TYPE of love exists. Knowledge of self and partner equals limitless bounds! Which is true just AS MUCH for hetero!  Just a dream. Equanimity. Equality.

Japanese Dream #9,873

 I had flowers and my real-life cures and the sounds and frequencies for each Giving them out and describing them to friends. I saw stars in an "S" shape on the freeway and friends Travis and Sami! I described the sounds and what they meant-- above sound itself in all light and glory. The Lavender that I stored them in quickly needed to be handed out!

Nightmare #1

First, there were Asian Young-men gorwing up as they played a final hole of golf.  We were of their Imagination. Then we were in a Warehouse and my best friend rejected me and began to get sick on my hair... It got so dyed that fricanAfrican men rolled it in soil and turned it to nlack and I was fully African. There were mechanisms of all kinds as I tried to dodge the final outcome... Then there were scenes of my other friend going to war and I got him out of it so he didn't get killed. Luckily, the people who were faking their old age were just a prop and some were educated and looked younger. There were scenes with beuaty queens and my behavior was being corrected. The dream ended.

Terje Haakinson Universal Love (Dream #9,877)

 You Are ALL Ready God. But the Universe is Not One-- it has many gods. Ther is Of Course Still One True God. My Dad is ashamed so he is not in the dream except for when I was truthful of the people in Our Home. He didn't approve because He is the Land of Ham. A Flat-Earther Who Believes there is a Lowly Miserable PLACE For him in the afterlife... 😤 I got a charge from an Orca who said People were trying to Put Caitlin in to the Sea. But she does need to stay away from my dad, He HAS A WIFE. Aliens are Fake--- they are only a figment. We had a glimpse. People Can Fly--- I love that the Lord & I Can Protect The One True God and Mother of Creation. Chad & I also a Selection of People Pairing up in one scene. I Have Soo many Healthy People in my Line. There are 55,000 Birds! The Lord saved a car he knew he had some specific people in His Line! So Amazing the Consideration and Deep Compassion! Marje is the god and they are an African Family. They couldn't decide if they lo...

Afterlife Lottery (Dream #7247)

 I am Mars and a Woman She is from Venus and a Woman We are flittering and there are other people involved. Then we are trying to figure out where we are from and who we are from. God is in the mix. Then there is the Holy Ghost and he is weighing everything... Originally I am not liked by her, but she likes what I have to say. We end up in Judgement.

Childhood Dream #3126

 A Colllaboration again with other families. I hand out free stuff from home no matter how far back. Queue the male perspective.  A man proves His Strength in a most unusual way. Jessica usually is in this way, competitive but ineffective. Bigger Loins! No more shame or jealousy. Nathan is having a Night terror--- Hopefully he doesn't remember. They took a Hold of Our auditory nerve. Let's pray there's a miracle. Nate is beginnining to hear Light with Sound. Still Lucid. 4 pairs of up to three per person… True Blue & Green Too.

Golfer Dream

 In the Peat Moss and near the sea=== there's a feeling we give to one another. Competiitive and Only Swinging a few times. No winner et but there is certainly more feeling with One.

Sex Is Life

  A Quadratic that I already told my parents I had one bad thought and they forgave me----- that I wanted them dead because I said I wanted their demise to allow me a better life. There was closing and openings with Gentiles and the Kind of the Heap was Michael Jordan. Brecken Rose Allan is different blood--- even though she cut me on my left hand and it was a Rhombus shape. I gave her the blade--- never suicidal. SHE Deserves Everything. Great, Bulumics are at it all night and it makes it cloudy! Great. The Authorities put these crabon prints in my brain. So I DO THE WORK! I Want to Golf. My destiny is not the Hospital you guys. I thought the World Was nearly ended. I Leapt in the Near End of the Dream and Found an Instrument that allowed me to play 5 notes in perfect sound and touch! It was called a Bassiacco Guitar!

12 Max Dream #7,345

 Aum- Aun. I protected One Person---  There are tallest mountains at around 5:42 holding her on a plane in a totally controlled elevator for about 15 minutes was the back and forth and the unease for about 7 seconds toal for the dream. The Days are surely evil because of those trying to deceive me! Mastercard Commercial Works with Infinitly many " Pouches " of Lithium ion.  The Puzzle is Complete now--- the Hologram  Earth is amazing- I Can move it--- we said "Me" There are multiple I-Sense Beings but only One Earth Planet with Lifeforms.   Earth is still the central top force. I beg of you Source--- don't put us down but keep us right on going in to the Tip of Your Right Hand or even atleast the thumb and pointer. The Eye and the ABdominal Zeus. I'm attempting to be in Samatha while on a medication and it's not working. Please have mercy on me this day 3/4/2022. MOSTLY GOOD  DREAMS LASTNIGHT! BUT terrified by a lowly place on accident. the Pope is a f...

Nightmare #0

 It’s 2089 and poeple can surf snywheee with light and air. This was the most interesting and by far the most difficult to snap out of. Deepak, please quote the Bible Only— It IS Fact— What I Trust and Believe— That We Can  Be Him. All Psychiatrists are Fools! They force sin on their patients and attempt to make a happenstance place from down left by attempting to send them places when they dart toxic glances. My head  aches and I’m only slightly scared of the right things. YES ayain of the Lord, Glorify Him In All Ways! I GIVE Him EVERYTHING IV’E GOT. Zander Thomas Is He. Magnifica! He is My Bother in Creationism. Deepak Chopra Who Basicslly envied my imagination & destiny is arrogant in the dream. I’d rather forget all my dreams—- they certainly love to give us meaning. Right is Light. God is ALL Powerful. I Hate Evil! Deepak helps people so he should be free but the Men neeed to Give MY BIBLE (2 of them) back! You understand not what you do Dr. Mara! PLEASE 🛑! I w...

Dream #7,345

  Brecken was with me... Then it flashed to Indiana, Nore Dame where they thought I commited suicide--- God knows my heart--- just tired from Soul-Spliice.... I'm fine tight now.  I know I've seen Brad Pitt a bunch he can have one of me idk.... My Soul is Up North. It was a GREAT DREAM. Same Dream--- Different Nigh. Britney interesected with my friends from the Kettle Moraine HS so I meet up wtih one of hers in this quick back and forth. My consciousness is going up and down the steps from the newer St. Paul's Spanish room- just outside the Cafeteria-- Up the Steps and telling Scherwinski's friend that I want to be a professional golfer.  I am going up and down the area of the Church and they must in realtime be deciding if they're going to find out how to repurpose this great building (maybe demo the northwest quadrant where the elementary and middle school are) We need to plant a garden. Anyway, the individual in the dream, her name is Maddie Pavlic and Britt and ...

Hyacinth in 3 Marching Now Able, Ok!

 Cornith to the North Hyacinth to the Heights------- I take Care of the Plants in Infinite Ways to Her Likin G Love THyne For You I Adore the Heart-Mind Makings Lightning Strikes the Bones You Vibrate Strong and Lightly I Delight Your Each Sense. I Will Always Settle up on a Recompence :G Controlling Every Physique to Moves that are..... Authentic Awe-- Please Kiss Me Today. One Is Stronger too.