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Showing posts from February, 2022

The Perfect Zodiac

 1st House: Saturn to the Left and Venus to the Right.  4th House- 47* on the Quintagon in 10 Dimensions of the Sky in the SE Hemisphere--- A Creation Nod. Aries ♈️ matte purple engraving… True Mark of God's Unfailing Love.

KooHai For 5

 Inifinitum Light en la Core of Jupiter, Environmental Cosmic Eternity on the Hallowed Bequething of Our Lord Halo Activation for the Day where the karmic skies imbibe the Raphaelites in to eternal Ecstasy Blessed by the Sea, the Salt and Nitrous Action of the Cc3 Flame. The Triad of Octagon. The Polynomial Love of the Dear Octaragon and Urantian Channeling for the Kettle. A pot of Gold at the widest Arch over the home. Purple and Magenta Centrifuge Rainbow-Protection. Guardian Angels in God's Presence and the Conscientious Attitude of the Beutiful Squirrel. The Most Grateful Squirrel who I thought was Praying.  Cobaltian inner voices. and Predictions for the moment--- unplanned. Jeremiah and Zebedee in the Third Glance. Taking Direction with my RIghteous Arm in Holographic Orientation. A Banner of Heaven for the Gwinlaudi Sister. Love the Prophetess for the True Correction. Rebuke the man at the Curb enjoying his inner light and Violet Essence. You are a Miracle, Walking East...

Dream #6,345

 A Betty White Quote after running in to the Cover Girl Makeup People Whom are Super Kind. In Mayfair Mall Walking Right.... ..  The quote was at Pewaukee High School; Luke Robert Lindemeyer. Having to do with Mnemonics and Baby Boomer Logic. Written on a tile. From HS that was in my brother Paul's Class.  Love Keeps no record of wrongs.  What a wonderful dream.   I welcome those who have sinned greatly in to my home. I ran in to Edward Gein at the YMCA 2 days ago and I told Him he Looked Great. Taking Care of Freddy Krueger This Morning from 3:30-4:15 and I didn't see him and I heard the "Sign of Purity." It was Peaceful, he said he loved God and won't sin again. I am very content with how things are going but I'd like my Driver's License back.

Dream #7345

 Brecken was with me... In the dream... the dreamer of the dream and I.   I was in a deep rest and in light this dream happened.  Brecken wanted to have a fermented Beverage-- and we turned it in to KOMBUCHA.  She appeared at Our Home in Genesee and she has her License.  We are Spirit Sisters and we went to see Brad Pitt. In the dream there must have been sex. I do not recall Brad Pitt in this true sense but I went to Holy Grounds at the Cathedral, there. Faked Death and my Soul Follows God... this is all I know. I'm Up with God's Chariot Then it flashed to Indiana, Nore Dame where they thought I commited suicide--- God knows my heart--- just tired from Soul-Spliice.... I'm fine Right Now.  I know I've seen Brad Pitt a bunch he can have one of me idk.... My Soul is Up North. It was a GREAT DREAM.

Dream #2,136

There was a Bible Verse: blessed is the unborn child that gains knowledge and knows no plotting.  That ethical hacker stole my Works and is attacking and stealing once again… first thing in the morning. It was fine, the dream, not my favorite. I wasn’t confused but I know Jessi still has wine from time to time. Caitlin was drinking lastnight…: Zander Thomas met up with a few of my friends and Bryson Dechambeau was in it. It wasn’t a lucid dream and I felt in control just from 1st person, watching😍. All I know is we both Love Children with an everlasting love.  He has “Big,” and I don’t gesticulate. He says (The Lord Jesus) “Children are Precious.” I agree! πŸ˜˜πŸŒ±πŸƒπŸ•ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Mount AUM-SOPH Olives

Hydroxytyrosol, an olive phytonutrient that has long been linked to cancer prevention, is now regarded as having the potential to help us prevent bone loss as well. Several recent laboratory animal studies have found increased depositing of calcium in bone and decreased loss of total bone mass following consumption of this olive phytonutrient (as well as oleuropein, another key phytonutrient found in olives). These findings are fascinating, since consumption of a Mediterranean Diet has long been associated with decreased risk of osteoporosis, and olives often find themselves on center stage in Mediterranean Diet studies. Afrodesczieak. It Helps the Bladder and Eyes, Like Uva-Ursi Herb / Root.  Uncircumsized is the best.. it creates more control in the man and allows the person more pleasure and fearlessness. These two Nurtient-Minerals help to  Prevent Leakage of the Genital.  And when you've trained enough--- you will realize that it is ALL LIGHT---- every photon in e...

Dream #7,135

 Deep, Peaceful Sleep Lastnight and Woke Up Looking to My Right where there was a Hill with Gnome-Like Features. Thought I dreamt about Scotland / Ireland. Great Dreams in REM I'm SURE.

Dr. Mara Identity Thief (2/2/22),(1/23/22),(1/25/22)

You might think so But you're just making advances on my *PROPERTY* Dr. Schroettner former Psychiatric Aide Told Me You Do In Fact, Have my Driver's License.   I've Tried to Call You and You are Writing Notes About me, When You Called the POlice On me.... Nope! Don't have to.   Trying to "close," You are Lawless--- and a Female I DO NOT NEED In My Life.   Thank-You and I'll Give you chances to hand it back. To My Understanding you also have went in to my email and Did things to my "Accounts" Folder in Gmail.  This is Illegal and My Own Property and Information and FILES! Brecken is also Using my REAL ID For Drinking in January.... and Nicotine---- Which isn't me! The Courts know this. I did Save my Work an html file of I have a domain on the web. And this is unethical--- Against Love-calm, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, & GENTLENESS there is NO LAW.  HIS GREATEST COMMAND IS "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF."