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Showing posts from October, 2020

Cat Whispering

Fly Forever

In Utah or a LARGE State! Here with friends and more friends, Organizing a golf match but really involved in being a Principle for  a large school. I love climbing and transferring my energy to rocks and things, I met him and a lightbulb went off I knew it had to be "epiphanies of a married person." A man, and I couldn't trust my Dad--- perversions and violence. But there she was again, scheming for a prize that was coveted. Is he a cheat? Is she fake and foolish I just nodded, knowing fully what God wanted...

Battle Royale

I am a sword, thrusted to the very end of their march. At us and against us, I tell my brother to return- but he can’t!  As he morphs back in to human form. These two things are a divination and dividing line for God’s purpose. One we gleen all knowledge and understanding. Now. The Book as his sword. In which he can return home to. Peering in to the vast atlas that is the Bible, he can now go anywhere. Walking humbly now, fully recovered; fully recuperated. With the knowledge of his own strength.

Dream #5,353

 Christy is sick, she won't stop getting an upset stomach Looking for inspiration in the sky I make it up to the windows through a bit of push and pull I start to fly Now, I make it to a library--- suddenly the books change to vintage highlight colors and I pick 3. Mentioning Gabriel to a teacher- She gives me a "C," For class attendance--- or do I have a disease. Anyway I make it. And there's the Dalai Llama talking about lifeforms A shell for the Sephirot For my chakras. Could I build a house with it, Or just keep up with the Woods'  His love life. My love life. All unfolding in a blissful dream. I get locked in- since there's a jumper by the exit. I land in a tricky way---- but it's golf, so I know my way around.