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Showing posts from December, 2017

Admiration in Roman Numerals

Weary eyed wonder in the morning with a anxiety that could crumble the heaps further. Ready and not so steady for anything in particular. Hoping that which way will come up will be the only way to look forward to. Foresight just hadn't been his thing. His grandfather lived to 98 so there was some insight. However long the grandiose ideal of force could hold him together atleast gave someplace. A life that had an existence is all.

Wintery Acceleration

Quick footed push from the door to the destination, Going faster and quickness, leading blatant evolution, My Qi is in check, my bundled warmth aglow. Blood is asunder in the positive O. I think of the Ghanese river, for some reason; moving fast. Why did my window get stuck between electronic, ice, and glass? Because it's a law I propose--- so similar in theme, A Constructal Law of physics for winter and moving free. Debating the relevance of her ebb and flow, choosing a median to decide the season's thrill Off in Florida, a round of Golf! Tigers and Lions, lounging still.