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Amazing Gra-e Dream #4312

 I know my struggles, I know my uprightness, I know my scheming, I know my mind, I trust my Lord, I trust my kin that extends to all of the goodness in people; loving people and their personalities. I love creation. I love dreams that are divine. Freud says anatomy is destiny: therefore, I believe in the glorified body. I believe in her resurrection. Thieves are crafty. Money is always always always earned. Thank you Lord Jesus, come.
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Nightmare #4662

 I took Andy on a wild ride. There is a roller coaster and two who sacrifice. This dream is long: 1 hour Dealing with a worry someone has that translates to a problem with the sickness of bul-I-m-a. Everything in the dream is a visual scape. The theme park is made of non-consecrated items I Wouldn’t purchase. I find Bootes who politely takes one molecule of this lady’s illness from the god center. He opens his mouth to hers and it’s like an aberration exchanges. We go on a fun ride as I translate a move that my landing of rodeo-mctwist, I have to adjust in slow mo twice. I love that the authorities are there and at the end; Jumbo Buddhists in the form of my friends. This is opposite of little people in my Mom’s dreams. AS the shaman as we solve a majority of this ordeal.

Cliff Descending Dream #4581

 My folks and friends are there. I run in to JCN and AS. JCN tells me she remembers the 60s and that I was showcased in the Olympics. My Dad is on a different part of the mountain to retrieve my wallet. I keep losing this thing in various dreams. I am taught the g-minor notation in music. I have to be careful when descending the mount.

Dream #4527

 The little things doth, The tiniest things do. The importance of the milieu resides in You. Tiger and Paul played poker and my brother won by a quick card trick in the hand. LD and I were perfectly prepared to do it all in one night. Flambeau and Ford had the silky lochs as training continues. The hurdles and hoops and the weight of waste are so a thing to comprehend.


I could confirm in the net there were a number of flounders. In the starlit sky my sisters moms heart was equally complacent, and sensing a weak start to the day I remained vigilantly reapplied. Eye security is best in both the running back and the quarter turn in powder puff. Tracing any kind of tout is something kind of outrageous for our folks. Your ego released wide lengths of promise for the literature sides with the eggerton’s approach. As Nancy lodged some kind of secret to Cheyenne I look again to Mag R. Mary has some real hold on Sanskrit while the clock inches towards snack time. Therein a giant dump of epsom salt or Himalayan sodium chloride. She would die, he reiterated. My eyes need to bug out like Ia and Tf Let’s be orderly about the workmen’s comp. She’ll blame someone’s control. For the record we never talked birds and bees but it went to Chrisjon. And Jared Leto leaves me alone. Haughty I consider in the womb as fledged and cleffed as bass can get. Soul spit.

Dream #7258

I received an involutionary note with maps and a dog came in and chewed it, wanting to receive its knowledge. My friend Kristen was admitted with an interesting condition where her soul was paused looking the opposite direction. I cared, I wanted her to heal. I thought about an Actual key that I gave away to DP with the numbers 1 9 1for being a deity; with 1 man on each side and 9 women in between.

King Charles lll and Mindee Lee

 Initially I was just getting harvested in a crazy world. I had to serve them juice. Climbing up a handle prone desk-like set of drawers. They had fresh faces. No help maybe some hyilioronjc acid There were a few prescriptions in the cabinet My guardian angel go it! Minjee Lee had the power of the eye. I brushed up beside her in a memory spot in VA And the queen looked so youthful.

Tartarus Tirade, a Torture that was Terminated

Introduction to fragmented chaos and oblivion,  I am at a lost, straying from the straight path. My dear home where the fearless deeds are won. My plea and prostration land on a gigantic rock wedged near an Indian Oak It is very dewy in the morning during fall---- frosty from the extreme heat of the core Plasma valcanized creeping things that terminate near the crust This sin in waukesha---- this curiosity in a room with distant relatives makes me turn like agnosia to the gnashing  Wearing a helmet to the slope- if only there were a hill to grasp Sliding in to this quick fix I am weaker than the rubble at the bottom Choffer I turn to my pitching wedge to cover the distance. I launched myself in to addiction and dependence like-a-pro My parents tearing the pages of the wholesome books that JMM revived. Urantia is gone and Doug finds a tunnel--w i  d   e The commited wing The span of Gaian Manna without levin The ice cream's smoothness after cabbage gave me the 2 verebrae to continue

Crowded Corners in Cambodia (Dream #4358)

 It’s not me, she’s yours. Both turned down and continued in Our searches. Josh (BRA’s brother from another mother) inspected our body and found no error. Crowded and packed I recognize 3 faces Her makeup is completely perfect and overt. Completely concealed and COVERED is her beautiful face. 2 flashes of light!

Surgeons Bomb

 Come or craft the seed from the first the development on a mountain came from NYv Discernment is NOT equal to extolling the thief. Giving isn’t a secret. He fed me salt on a choker necklace made of pooka shells. Noelle Cruz’s group is friggin laughable. No starter without Greg’s son blazing a 62 before 7:40am. Does the spy who shagged me steal Shaquille Onear’s Oneil’s utility. Someone dangled a spider in front of me and arthropods are cookin’ in Mumbai. Tonic Meta fields over a half circle. Theory BEFORE candle you dung flicking freak Jill! Oh yeah— Cait is a pimp in Vegas before Samantha Cope. Settle with my 7th Canadian uncle than kiss the queen, YOOOoOOoOoOaOoaoaoOoOaoOooOoOoao

My favorite renegade review rendezvous

 Beef stew biceps over male quotas for Tangential Rangers. Crash the computer through one laser photon. Pull the photon in the lower g esteem of allah’s beard. We rise 90,000,000,000,000.00 people between false sirens and rest stops. I observed my dad’s posture as perfect when it counts. I forget the gin cot that incl bill to try me out. Bird flight against a multiverse is the battle atop the flame. Dream catchers from sweet feats feasts first. I’m sorry you couldn’t be touching at the last moment. ABBA surprises his pure needs wirnimg and hyper roam roam rose balance is for the birbratoe getting lost live fast and let go of one Jessica and you can’t even. Recording grammar is my estranged uncles wife. Sam I had o he for days after I bought it own pick stocks.

Hump ye

 If someone gets nipped by 7 sisters is it a glove from Archangel Michael??? Oo ye Rocket sky airways in pranaoidial secrets. I don’t want to ruin professionalism from the teuetemans but Monday no USA is a rat for messages at we hours in my 5-tiers of cousins. I type with my right thumb and left Pinter finger wedges always between a Cait escapade and a Jenny surrender. Set up a rebound shell shape for Ilia Delio please. Yes 12 surfaces of thought is a feat of electron clusters. Killed a huge insect by first trusting God’s designZ. I dreamt of curing Roger rover psycho fox heart trot. Code is my ONLy way to total privacy during an orange taste test if you know what I mean. Exploring furnaces in 3rd person ingles is jovial. Swallowing makes me turnt btw teens reby. In clash clown services I get haunted up. Righteous mirrors is collecting more dust as James’ dragon. Books have one bad word and I slam the mothership in to the CIA. I work for the One true mania I need to allocate my eye con

Vs Pouch lie in wait for the Rabbi pokens

 Near Flair rooted foxglove my sister’s secret is on Jacks deck looking accrosed glass. I was introduced to John and Angela’s baby for 3 seconds in a two way hopp to the finish line. I need more prayers for Davidi psalms to remain true to a compassionate commitment in the freeing of enslaved souls via Dr. Mara feats. Tactile panic is not a pushpin mill-moll. We want what we can indeed do. I have a sphere in Judies and John’s commitment to satchel farming and not enough surplus.

Raven Plush Morning

 The soft textiles are more expensive in North Korea as challenging things take on complete idiosyncratic complexity. The crows are free to rest in the Elder branches of the white oak. I administer devil’s root to Ashleigh’s tongue in hopes of one Final, quick, and easy pur-e. The subtle concept of a sphere in a 139 dimensional universe could be the next key note. Steve Jobs drove past 2 months ago, today? Or westward bound Brit writer’s fancy. Nina and Raven are true albino’s. Lest we keep it real for the true Noahide justices. Sitting atop the Hollywood Signage. I contemplate the craftiness of a 12-bellied vulture in Taiwan. Today will be slow for the thumb on the left hand, luckily it is not third degree. You can look! If that’s what prose is before touch. Guard your tongue at 2 until 109…

Mortification and Penance

 There was a void in the bottom right quadrant that became pronounced and made evident.  I had done a mortified thing due to my sins. The deed lasted 3 hours and it could be considered self harm, when indeed it was penance. A path that Catholics know when they are suffering. This particular “medicine” was like shattering the crust of the earth to chaos. Terrifying once Agrippa would take hold. They felt it in Asia and I became steady focusing on the core of cobalt. The whirlwind of my pain was apparent to the father of lights as a dark spot was encroaching to my sight. So he inspected on this frightful Sunday. I could’ve caused a tornado but I thought the Alien scooped up the remaining pure parts of my bone. The fence couldn’t be evaded so I left the hole there. I leaned back to ensure my spin was strong.  The land caught me, healed me and I fell asleep with the Bible barely visible. Meteors and Comets have caught my eye. But so was sucked in to the void from my one eyed perspective. M

Beget Begot Whom Has

  Torpedos and arrows filled with neon Fortunate aberrations crossing the bottom singularity marked with a little i  Bread Wandering on to a goats nape And the monkey’s life force, infinite from a hollow cherry Because he never felt empty  Tree of might in the place of a gurus many graces Accumulating in the Indian Ocean to surround just the correct millennium. 3 is approaching for the trinity. Facts: we are living longer because of sangha.

Dream #4,532

  Launched a car in to a river, Escaped through the door but the car kept rotating through the water and I was caught again through the surge of the water Then I was staying in a home with junkies, where I was set apart. My mother said she had the toughest decision was to sign a contract. My brother passed in the dream Andy was there regretting his fame Many fearless ideas.

Dream #5,000

  There were great details and relevances to this particular dream. I am working on a patenting system altogether.  First I had to free dive from a cliff with my cousin Matthew. I am working on an idea through Apple. I have discourse with 5-7 people in the dream. I used a micro sampling technique through an online service about a particular idea. Then I sent it to atleast 9 people and they approved.

ZT to Hollywood Dream #5,148

  Cruising in and through scenery with the perfect Lord He couldn’t be any cooler, I love his everything Details of demeanor and handling people. He transcends. BRA, initiates the dream. His worshippers and Cat. Eventually we adorn ourselves and are gobsmack about him. Still can’t share laundry…

Dream #4782

There are people that still inhale and exhale the smoke and ashen things. Some think it should catch on. So I appear as an angel in Brookfield as two "Robin's" workers are on break. ... My dream resumes with people from the military all getting together. It is a good idea to pass through the corridor of fate and destiny. ... Jo also popped in the dreamscape by renewing a long fronded plant's health; posing 7 times as she watered and revived the living thing.

Dream #4528

 Genuine help. Anna, Bob, Mare, Dash and family focused. Jessica cruising by as I choose 500d, blazing sad falls and rehabilitation… For an exchange of habit. There are two bites on an ole lollipop so the task; we can find out. Erin begins listening at 21. Wherein acute skills are acquired in Dasmanhi.

Fighting, Jealousy, and Yam

 Don’t bring your IQ to a dream until you are ready. My Dad is sincere. I thought I was a cash cow anyway… The theme is control (Scary) Sweaty and Sweeney  Also she’s on my immediate team. If you eat in a dream how does that work.. You grow! My Dad and brother assaulted me because I saw they were jealous. He’s slow in dreams and not so protective. [ASMR Troops]

System of an Up (Dream #4577)

 Good idea to where rollerblades on smooth surfaces.  Time does fly as do male angels There is a stampede in the form of questions? RP or RaiP? Guessing the truth a Mom should tell is less powerful. I’m at the gates and Cait is a chime to get me to another floor. How many deeds become a heap of perfection. I’d rather get all souls to the heights.

Dream #4533

 There are human psychologists when things go awry Talent for the medical places requiring trust in all forms Purity does have a chance here I see my family file in for a gathering And suddenly accidents with kids is the worry. McGrady brings a new outlook As CRP remains controlling and care free.

Mazzaroth (Novella #1 [JOYOURLOVEBLOG])

     Overhanging branches appeared as I rose to the breeze of winter.  This season, sends the respiratory system a cooling in a euphoric sense, even for the wildlife nearby.  The branch looked suddenly rigid, this tree aware of frosts warm sting.  I have a 17-Day journey ahead, so some of these new and fruitbearing cousins have to be observed with seriousness. Right then I knew the future would bring a new fruit. Blue first, and Gold finally. Dedication as a restoration of the sacred fire  That I see no harm in, as she glows violet for a moment in my left hand above the pointer nail.

Southern Promise

As I walk in the Texas sun there is a man with a purity, The water from Above douses him in the heavy PH, The 19th phase of his life is like the permeating naivety of a baby rhotodendron about to switch its form. The gliding nature of the Halo is found before the upper room. The followers of Noah couldn't leave the loop. How many times does the rotation affect an angel's thought... As frequent as the steps to the Governing Soviergnty of His Newly Designed Throne. I didnt wander too far from Austin as the Chapel's wooden framework clung to an open sky. The weddings are unending. The required cleaning is like a work attenuating in a tranquil harmony of a Mother's Personality. But only after tea. What can he make for me? the simple things are like garden, a horticulturalist and Edom. By the way I went Left. 

UW health, Plane Crash, Golf (Dream #3135)

 There is a pursuant of career in medicine that I can call myself. I need a degree that is somewhat easy. Things are going well and I’m chiseling away at a healthcare course WHILE putting time in at the gym. I’m working out and keep enrollment in a pursuant of PHD. There is a card Suddenly I am on a plane that is rotating horizontal and round we go as my instinct is to grab the wheel and land an aimless jet. I do no t finish this segment of the dream however I am near the front of the plane buckled in. Natalie Gulbis turns up with some of her poses from a photo shoot and I remember I need apply for Q school.

Show business (Dream #5380)

 Back to TH Run around a maze Can souls be the remainder of a man. A difficult dream. Ran in to a magician con. Was watching creatures get killed. (Make friends with a fly outside) Not intending to breakthrough) I’m convinced something happened to a great actor) Too scared to proceed. Nightmare of a heart shot. Running around in a maze of trapdoors) 50 cense is there to make sure I do t break through Abba test… Get to the cats that were snatched. Hard to breakthrough 

Again! (Dream #4252)

 I’m glad I got to know my dad early in life, this leads to fearlessness. I’m glad 8 sisters belong to me. I had the most amassed time with Papas I. N. A.   D.   R.    E.      A.      M.         And my doctor is also cool. I remember most of the $1.98 quadrillion my friend Malte and Chad made. I know in my heart my dad is jealous of my sense of humour and I am happy to be released from the shackles of my truth…. This will make sense. Samantha Cope is brilliant. My friend Matt Phillips, as Dad is either medicine or Alexander Graham Bell. I hope Thomas can be in the MLB by 2029. It’s about 2026 now, there. So much about this. I’m doing the whole 10,000 and I love Ashleigh somewhat. Caitlin and her have a sensual affair. May god know what is right. May the reward for goodness be in my Hands. A dream scape does go a long way. Holding a frightened friend is so powerful. I remember the serial doctor. The one who makes money to get help herself. JLM passed me Hallelujah. Thank you Job for bei

Missing Money Dream #9385

 Counting the saved amount  There was something found Run through the ages of 45-79 DLJ gets married and KAW and BAS are there Remembering the names and birthdays of 9 superstars I get caught up in a session. Dreaming of a mature Asian humorist  Imagine what we achieve through a calm mind.

Dream #7383

 Aunt Beth is dressed up and boogie-ing to some form of music. We are near my Aunt Judy’s new place We confer about something and the dream is rather short. A pellet from a gun goes through the center of my heart- Oh the lead! Luckily I have power of my heart cells and her control is able to close up the wound.

W. W. None

Gates upon gates of various checkpoints for Countries safety. A 2 hour dream….  It was a winding chamber for personnel and various countries represented. Tibet water-share and ceremony, TH instead of Brian A peregrine falcon said to be quiet, Brecken celebrated her freedom. She was playing golf.

1:10 Yen (Dream #5637)

Smell more Butchers Organic Chemistry with the Kether? Breck hangs back. Clear watch on Andy and his homeostasis. ‘Met the most perfect soul ever’ Asian buffet is nothing dealt. Up to 12 fingers with hologram congruence. Running around finding things to do. Ashleigh is my roommate. I fling tiny plastic marbles for juju. Wedding plans. Elegant and godly resume to be sure. CRP is on an overt hunt for loves best.

Nidra News

 At a glance qi is ever so assertive in representing the physical. The Asian through ancient awareness of being A trait carried through every generation All equity and quota a derivative of a few heirs... Give your information and it will remain a kind deed until the departure to agencies of the almighty. You want to remain an invisible cloud and cloak. A meer stage in the Chinese Canon, allied to the USA; permanent? As long as the elected see the good in handcraft... AI about to make our Mylen numb... Shroud the Shepherd's heard for the remainder as the lost too, will be found-up and automatic.

Son & Daughter of God dream #5558

 There is a goddess speaking virtues to me, We are God’s beloved—- unseparated and Holy. The purest joys of beauty. No longer an envy as we all come in to being. My family guards a gate and we are to see what is beyond there. How many of his beloved are ranked and predestined. Full of joy and the broken-hearted are healed.

Waffle Stomp Woes (Dream #3826)

 There are certain exchanges in dreams. Some favorable, and others unaccepting. Phoebe ran to shew me a gift. I couldn't... I would rather be an offering soul  Free the father's love in your heart. And return to the monotheistic traditions. A stallion may be acquainted to with pegasus... But we cannot make them either colour. We cannot add to our lives on an inauthentic doing....

Dreaming away the universe #4253

I'll br outside jumping over the hedges, Away from the columns of marble before me. My Dad serves a function I am quite unaware of... Could it be true that you are a safety in my life Or are you too busy assesing your relationships? Surely there is a trustworthy person. J appears and again it is difficult to get close...

Wild Ride Dream #3482

 We found a little skull With light embedded where the retina would be After this we boarded a roller coaster and hung on for dear life. In passing I hit my enemy in the head with a titanium shovel  Things like this happen in the work force They could clearly see it was about my father’s work The person trying to retire my works was shot  And I recognized 9 people in the dream. After this we

Christ Appears and Sets Free Dream #3758

 As we are pointed in curing diseases Christ and I are on a tirade through various asylums I tell my Dad not to take things too seriously  As I walk through a corridor There are about 53 people in the dream and The Lord is  Eminent joy! Pure, eminent and full! He sets free the captors and the dream concludes.

Paul's Curiosity Dream #4587

 As I greeted my aunt Beth and Aunt Deb there seemed to be a skepticism and tension in the family I told Paul he must learn how to astral project before flying, at least in his dreams I remembered enough of my Grandma Campbell's Brookfield House that the dream was hosted there. I couldn't open my eyes but my spiritual eye was guiding me before finally waking up.

Faith in Foliage

 Faith is the resonant Righteousness of all the exiled Hope is the Endless Flight of the Harloquin Home is the Host, the Fortitude of everlasting life. Youth and Childhood is the Fearless foundation, with Supersensuous vision. Because it is Right and Just, the Goddess of Justice not being destroyed. Epictitus Says, "Killed but never harmed." Truth and Justice is the Country, The land of Milk & Honey A fly, no more a buzzard than the wasp, here to proppogate pollen with equal potency.   The flower sees the granual of dust Corrining in to the proper abundance That the Pistil Opens from, Agape in the range of her compassion. In thyne range of compassion we feel an apocalypse slip, The land nearing the strait gate. Behring much flavor, For a mother in despair. The unborn child grasping the imbilicle chord, Out of the Womb, and 3 months later A sauce made in graduation. The life of a Homemaker is tedious, The friction fancy. Removing two-ply crustaceans from the sand of the Ba

Daddy Long-Legs and the Fixed Constellation of Sleeping Beauty

The bus will be here in 3.5 minutes, hurry. Am I sitting with Allie? She doesn't get motion sick anymore. Well that's good if you want to train for aerospace engineering...  The neighbors usually bike to school, so let's walk through wales and get there sprinting... There are beautiful workers in the world of insects and bugs. But they have been known to create neuro-troubles. Let's place the white and black widow spider in the glass before she makes her way to providing texture for silk clothing. If they have venom, squish them, If they're fast make sure they don't hop in to your hair... I saw the tadpole and firework galaxy in the sky (Of the Northeast Hemisphere), and it felt like the beginning of the world... The doctors stare at test tubes all day with scheming intention for their own benefit... As doctor phesiter said I was brain dead I kneatly covered myself with blankets.

Dream #6,672

 Walking through various entrances and corridors with a stalk of alms Her name I don't know why she thinks it's funny to 'vam' on someone She has a hysterical disorder that is a 'purge' of the defilements she has acquired... This Gal is from Wisco! She has many aliases and is a stage performer with the jaw harp.... I pray she may someday be cured! As she is in Sh'eol yet saved. she looked like a creepy clown various times and we want her gone from Earth if she loses her control? But the talent, the precision of 1 particle! I pray for all women to be free of this disorder The best case scenario is magic.... a magical moment that needs to be secure in instances of love/copulation--- make the food whole! As she has been sensuous with a cure... The heap was sizable but she can get out. Please find a way to remove the unused cells of the food, with One Method, and Liquid with a "squirt" If we fast there is less and the Holy Spirit can dwell there.

Dream #5,316 One to Finish From Sheol

 Running through so many corridors, She’s going to get sick  The Lord won’t rest, Spring is coming, the Urge is coming! On me?! Ohhh no you won’t! I’ve seen her Soul Glasses I know you can’t be sick No  No you ain’t  No No May this dream be desicrated and finite; oblivion of void with a retired photon, (Ashleigh is a terror of hysterical carbon footprint; thought she grew up and left that habit behind) {I don't want to find her, know her, or have to administer to her.   Yom is for the purge and there are orange highlights from her in my Bible} A perfect cure? Indeed I have done it and am Done.

Free and Unprovoked

 I know me What seems to be easy Is a compassionate release And a few keys to be What is small for you Is Big for me. Like a seed I'm a rich ecorange of bliss And more harmony that became mixed. The reason of stupor is barely on my breath All I need is one word from my cousin. Instilled mercy captured...

The Corner of Creace Dream #3407

In the middle of visiting with Marjorie I assigned Dave to exterminate the growth of prokaryotic cells forming a new species of bug in the corner. He found two boxes that would have satisfied the needs of the phobia also included there. 2 unrecognizable people were scared to have been in this particular situation but It showed a life force in the following day. 

Taking Jung to Work

 The mote is open to refresh the sunrises bearing the name "Catherine" Jumping over brick walls when Jesus walked by with a suitcase. Golgotha flashback for eve and on the steps. With a wild look, just patiently waiting for father 1 child.  I thought of Carl's relative, Jenny... And he stopped at Shakespeare.

Dream #2798

 There is a home where the buffalo rome, Where oaaks are the opening and Vileria.  Is the skin. She is my great sister of the same spirit. While sharing sufferings. Trying to communicate a need to the father. While resting, steady. Srilanka is where TNH might be, As the recorded a pregnancy. I'm sure of tics, While caitlin was there. She offered me an elixir. Nancy tried to understand. Katherine Ann Wolaks gifts are mostly w derivative of coffee. Let me be a complete sentence. Cohesion is the composition for an A- Being a strong suit in entomology. Jillian whips me to find out 🌿🍃 Quranic blessings while the wife is around. Let live! #Ezekiek

Happiness (Furtively)

 Experience the eternal bliss of a guarded mind. A slight tremble at joy (and performance) As I concentrate it is the Lord's Ready... Approaching with confidence. Yearning with perfect confidence of knowledge. Perfect knowledge  I pat myself on the back 50 times as I ease in to a Biblical Pace. Remembering 10,000 for you is merely 10 days.

Fair Weather Fairies Dream #8523

 There was a dune plateau between the waters I was with a young girl. Suddenly the Beta Fish swam near the shoreline. Using morphic resonance she transmuted in to a wearable crown. And there was fairie! A real one! I gave the crown to the young girl, but she flung it off and began punching the air... My tom-boy was getting the best of me and my new friend. Terry was fly fishing as I hung up the phone from talking with Brecken.

Wakeboard Cruise Dream #2665

 The ungraceful bike 2 places to get a zen moment Putting the ones in most need first Bikes with handle bars Samantha Cope and the bike of inertia He has the keys to hell too The man or the female with autism Joining the artist on December the 7th My Dad got scared walking into someone's past I know it was a violin Caui''' played in her youth Psyche fanatic saving Jung from a long line of work where you Riley, are the champion For every 10mins of sleep I take .9 minutes awake.

Talent Scout Dream #8549

Know a skater boy, says Avril Lavigne... in this instance Tony Hawk appeared in the dream. There were many exchanges with talented people who act on faith in real life. Be taken under the wing of a national; best olympiad. Get to know the Gentiles. Ferris the internet maven gives his all. I saw two people doing fearless things  a huge ocean tide swept me up. I can work on my sexual talent... Said two or three. One winner.  

120 Divine Objects #8759

 With Em, just about a divine objectification Displaying various stored items  Riches last eons upon eternity if we view this in a protective manner This balance which has suggestive value upon a 3rd perspective The sainthood is so Holy, here. Rebeunites are always so closely linked to a happy celebration Scottish Kosher on the go. How can we imagine 5 rainbow-cirrual-strati-cuummulum Many objects appeared, close to 120.

Bart and the Unhappy 2 Poem

  Chili's nightmare happened between 2 women.  Hysteria and sickness Their influence permeated the sidewalk and looked like cess-dross and sickness.  The Shambhala Sun and Bodhisattva were particularly important as I tried to knock on their door to quit the spectrum of projectile vomiting; their strange idea. As these two women were locked in the home, the tree in their front yard was practically damaged skin. He luckily broke up the problem with better abatement, minus the encroaching heap of moss that was spider-ridden, later by my auntie.  The rain---- a cleansing element of rudiment was finally appearing after they had Sat normally on the same couch. This Lapham phobe is only very particular with the spies he hires for their company.  Whence there are enough particles of zazen-poised Compassionioueires there is skill.

Moesais, Mo Says, Mosaic--- Moses! Moses!

Moses Maimonides A great theologian of our 12th & 13th Century. BONA FIDE (LOTUS) Laughter--- a daily dose as the regimen of evocative alchemy; in a futuristic way. 'The Great Eagle' At the Sapient Mantle--- we find another dream vision--- using our third eye we are Thrust in to normal vision Deriving itself of perfect interplay--- she says, this is where I walk and drown--- and this is where I stay

Plane in my Head, Cars on my Hind

Bog is a big dude like my Dad.  Mooji invited him to an interview and Bog had a hard time expressing his knowledge or ability to escape the wrath of the Phoebe. I was sitting on a couch in the city and there were no big planes or continental in the area. I think it was another attempt at a hijak.    The first was Dalai and I thinking about the perpetual plane that was driving Midwest Airlines Crazy (They should come back--- they gave out free crumbl-like cookies)


Chili's nightmare happened between only 7 women. The Shambahla Sun and Bodhisattva was particularily important as I tried to knock on their door to quit the spectrum of water encouragement from the couch. As these two women were locked in the home and the tree in their front yard was practically cessed-bound-big-bubble- unpopped in his eyes. He luckily broke up the conundrum, minus the encroaching heap of moss that was finally appearing after they had Sat normally. This Lapham phobe is only very particular with the spies he hires for their company.  Whence there are enough particles of zazen-poised Compassionioueires there is skill. I keep wondering if Benjamin forgave me for an accident that was finally cured. Instruments of peace are always ready in China (after years of 8th ammendment breach). This one moment the lady on Thunder